I bought a pack of these at my local Vitamin Shoppe in anticipation of my birthday night out with friends this past weekend. Took both pills just before drinking, as directed. Had a total of 4 drinks between 5pm and 11pm, ate dinner with my first drink (food in belly), didn't mix alcohol types, and drank lots of water throughout the evening.
Had the usual trouble sleeping, woke up feeling generally miserable, though not AS nauseous and not AS bad a headache. Today, 2 days after drinking, I'm still feeling lousy and this is exactly what I wanted to avoid with these pills.
If I had to give it a number, I'd say NoHang gave me a 30% reduction in hangover symptoms when compared to just taking B-Complex before drinking (which I also took that day). It's enough to be worth the $3.50 I paid, but disappointing nonetheless. NoHang works. Take 2 pills (one card) before drinking or when you start and you will not have a hangover.
I also know people that take it for headaches and arthritis. Its all natural so there are no worries.
I checked it out. Its made in the USA by Natrient.com
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