NeuroScience, TravaCor 120 capsules

NeuroScience, TravaCor 120 capsulesI love this product and when I take it before bed I sleep better.

I feel myself thinking better and I can talk myself out of feeling sad w/out feeling stuck in the sadness like before this product.

You can find it for $60.00 or less though!

my son was advised to take this by a holistic doctor to help him focus and not be so hyper. It actually works! We open the capsule and put it in his rice milk and he doesn't mind the taste I notice a difference when he does not take it!

Buy NeuroScience, TravaCor 120 capsules Now

I tried Travacor and had a bad reaction. Could not sleep at all, felt heart racing. My homeopath doctor tested me later for the individual ingredients in Travacor and I am allergic to L Theanine which is in Travaor. The Travacor label does not indicate how much Theanine, Taurine or 5 HTP is in the formula. I am probably unusual that I am allergic to L Theanine which is in green tea.

I gave the product one star to due the label not providing amounts for the the three indicated items. Though they are listed. And the fact that I had the bad reaction just so people can be aware of side effects.

Read Best Reviews of NeuroScience, TravaCor 120 capsules Here

First of all, you HAVE to have your neurotransmitters tested and the testing company has to recommend you take Travacor. You can't just randomly take a product that will affect your neurotransmitters without knowing which ones are too high, too low, or normal. My levels of serotonin, PEA and epinephrin were too low, and my glycine was way too high. My symptoms were: For the past 4 months, and getting worse as time went by, I couldn't fall asleep or stay asleep, my heart was palping, and pulse was always high. When I first took this product (one capsule), an hour before bed, as recommended, I had hot flashes about 1 and 1/2 hours later. This caused me to panic, and of course, I couldn't sleep. I didn't take Travacor again for a week, and my sleep got worse and worse, and I was already using prescription sleep aids! (I do take melatonin, natural thyroid & progesterone, so my hormones were balanced and not causing these sleep problems.) After a week, I decided to take Travacor again, but this time take it 4 hours before bed, so that if it gave me hot flashes, I would hopefully have it out of my system by the time I tried to sleep. Sure enough, I experienced 2 hot flashes, but then they subsided. I took my pulse about 2 hours later, and it was 30 beats a minute slower! I had hope! It's now been about 2 weeks since starting Travacor and the other recommended product, DL-Phenalalanine in the AM, and my sleep has greatly improved! I'm weaning off my sleep meds, and taking only the tiniest sliver now, and able to fall asleep within 10 minutes! I'm almost ready to start my 3rd week recommendation, AdreCor. Travacor is definitely not a placebo effect. I didn't have any hope it would work. It will absolutely do what it says ONLY if your tests indicate you need to use it.

Want NeuroScience, TravaCor 120 capsules Discount?

A while back my doctor suggested I try Travacor for night time (sleep& anxiety) and Adrecor for fatigue and maybe stress related depression. So I took both and was feeling very good. Later on I decided to stop for a while and see how I felt. Well, I regret not having these products on hand to help me get through the occasional heavy stress periods that life throws at us. .So Iam back for more travacor and adrecor. The only negatives for these products is that the high amino acid formula seems to make me retain water, ( so reduction or elimination of all salt from your diet is a good idea.) and the price tag is rather high for neuroscience products, although still worth it for its pure formula and lack of unneccesary additives. I failed to mention that I have tried a few other products from Neuroscience and it is just a matter of finding the formula that works "best" for you.

I highly recommend any product from neuroscience.


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