The Happiest Baby on the Block DVD + CD COMBO By Dr. Harvey Karp The New Way to Calm Crying, and Hel
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on Thursday, July 10, 2014
My husband and I would marry Dr. Karp if we could! Our 5 week old daughter seemed to NEVER sleep and the nurse at the hospital taught us to swaddle our newborn with her arms out. We had the Swaddle Me wrap, but didn't use it. We were sleep deprived and desperate for help. My sister bought us the DVD and CD and Dr. Karp seemed like a crazy person, but at that point, we were willing to listen to anyone if it meant our daughter would stop screaming. That Sunday night, my husband tried the "5 S's" and it worked within 5 minutes. Within a week, our daughter had gone from sleeping in 30 minute increments and screeching all night, to sleeping 3-4 hours. At 2 months, she was sleeping 6-7 hours a night. She's almost 5 months old now and we have NEVER had another all-night screaming session since we learned Dr. Karp's method. If I sound like a brainwashed freak, that's okay. I'm a well-rested brainwashed freak with a happy baby!I actually bought this for a friend's baby shower. My kid literally cried 10 hours a day every day his first 3 months and then we found this and the insane crying stopped immediately! When we first watched it, we thought the tricks were kind of crazy but they totally worked!!!!! So, now I buy this for other new mom's for their baby showers 'cause this saved my life!!!!!!!MY DAUGHTER IS 5 MONTHS OLD AND THE INFORMATION ON SWADDLING THE BABY IS FOR YOUNGER BABIES. I WISH I WOULD'VE HEARD ABOUT HIM EARIER TO ORDER. IF YOUR PREGNANT OR HAVE A BABY UNDER 5 MONTHS THIS WILL HELP YOU A LOT.I am a new mother and had never been around babies, so we purchased this DVD to get some pointers. When our baby was born, we applied the information we learned immediately in the hospital and it worked instantly! The nurses were so amazed in our ability to calm our baby so fast that they assumed it was natural, when in reality, it was all learned from this brilliant doctor, to whom we are grateful that has chosen to share these secrets with all of us! The DVD is a bit dated but still very relevant and 100% helpful.This product saved my friend's sanity after the birth of her very fussy daughter. The CD of sounds soothed her daughter and frequently put her to sleep. She swears by it. It is similar to a tape that i made when my 19 yr old daughter was born. I had taped 15 minutes each of white sounds like the clothes dryer, the lawn mower, the vacuum sweeper, etc.... It is supposed to simulate the background sounds of the womb.
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