MILITARY ENERGY GUM - Military Caffeine Energy Gum - ARCTIC MINT - TRAY (24 packs, 5 pieces per pack

MILITARY ENERGY GUM - Military Caffeine Energy Gum - ARCTIC MINT - TRAY - 100mg Caffeine per piece
  • MILITARY ENERGY GUM has had tremendous success in supporting our troops in the Middle East. First Responders, Firefighters, Police Officers, and Security Personnel have also found MILITARY ENERGY GUM to be a powerful, compact, fast acting tool for stopping fatigue.
  • Begins working instantly...Through oral absorption, chewing one piece delivers 100 mg of caffeine five times faster than pills or coffee.
  • MILITARY ENERGY GUM formula was developed exclusively for Military and Security Agencies and their members.
  • MILITARY ENERGY GUM won the Army's Greatest Invention of the Year Award for 2005 and MILITARY ENERGY GUM was selected for inclusion in the EMMY gift bags.

The first time I chewed a whole piece I literally wanted to vomit because of the aftertaste. I looked at the remaining box of 23 packages and thought "Crap, I'm going to have to resell them individually on eBay." But then within a minute, I realized that I was wide awake and super energized, which I've never felt so quickly from any other energy product (liquid, solid, or gel). Over the next few days, I discovered that if I chewed half a piece of the gum at a time, the taste is actually much more tolerable and the effects are just the same. So... thumbs up.

Buy MILITARY ENERGY GUM - Military Caffeine Energy Gum - ARCTIC MINT - TRAY (24 packs, 5 pieces per pack Now

I'm the type of person who uses caffeine as a drug to stay focused. My friend, who was former military, gave me a pack of these to try. Let me just say that the military money gets results! This was fact acting, small, and cheap. It works out to about $0.25 a cup of coffeeeach gum has 100mg caffeine (5 pieces per packet, 24 packs per box). This destroys any other caffeinated products I've ever triedit beats coffee for price and ease of use. It beats jolt gum cause it has 6x the amount of caffeine jolt does. It beats energy drinks because they are so expensive and loaded with TONS of sugar. These things are extremely portablejust carry in your pocket (they were meant for military!). Great for law enforcement to have in the war bag to stay awake in the field when you are stuck on a call or stakeout. A friend who is in vet school loves these cause they have to stay alert and study so much. To be honest, you don't buy stuff like this for taste. The first minute of these things you just taste the sugar and flavoring, but after that the bitter taste of the caffeine starts to be come apparent. The taste comes out slowly at first, and never completely overpowering, but anyone chewing this just to enjoy gum, and not as a tool to stay awake, would never chose this gum over any other gum in the world for flavor. That being said, the taste isn't terrible. I've had all 5 flavors. The Cinnamon is the worst, and unless you are a fan of big red or gum like that I would avoid it (I don't like Cinnamon flavor). IMO, the Spearmint flavor tastes the best at first (only slightly better than Arctic Mint), but then the caffeine is more noticeable with Spearmint in the end than with Arctic Mint flavor. Overall, if you are going for the best overall flavor experience I chose Arctic Mint. I cannot recommend these enough.

Read Best Reviews of MILITARY ENERGY GUM - Military Caffeine Energy Gum - ARCTIC MINT - TRAY (24 packs, 5 pieces per pack Here

I love this product and most highly recommend it! Unlike the cinnamon version of this product, I cannot taste any of the bitter caffeine taste. The sweet coating and mint flavor are excellent, and the gum maintains a pleasant mint flavor long after the caffeine is gone. By contrast, the cinnamon version completely loses all taste after 5-10 minutes and I want to spit it out. With the mint version, I actually enjoy continuing to chew the gum.

The screwy thing is the pricing: The 24-pack costs $2.00 more than buying four 6-packs ($28 vs. $26), so it's clear they've adjusted their pricing to make money on the "shipping costs." I have Amazon Prime, but instead of "free shipping" it's really "$2.00 shipping." (If shipping was really free, the 24-pack product price would be LESS than $26 because the manufacturer's cost for the tray must be less than their cost for four 6-packs.)

Aside from the shipping cost, it's a great product!

Want MILITARY ENERGY GUM - Military Caffeine Energy Gum - ARCTIC MINT - TRAY (24 packs, 5 pieces per pack Discount?

This gum has been amazing for college. Let's face it, as a college student there are going to be many nights where you won't get the proper amount of sleep. Since I tend to have little self-control going to bed on time, I've had more than my share. For those days when I'm stuck in a 3-hour lecture trying to keep my eyes open, Stay Alert has always come through. About 10-12 minutes after popping one I immediately find myself more focused and the material interesting again. Of course, this is not a replacement for sleep and the effects are only good for a couple of hours (which is why I try to time it so I take it in the middle of a lecture). However, if you need a temporary "pick up", nothing beats it.

Now, on to the taste. Due to me having used this for a while, and probably also due to not having what you would call a refined palate, I don't mind it all. I enjoy the sugary taste at the beginning and the neutral taste for the duration. Still, I have to add that sometimes near the middle I'll get a taste that I can only compare to how car exhaust smells (which isn't a bad thing necessarily). Because of this, I highly recommend that you be careful about letting others try it. Around 90% of the people I've given a piece to will spit it out within 5 minutes (I had one fellow student comment that it tasted like stale cigarettes). Given that this is not exactly cheap, and I see them as extremely valuable due to the service they offer, I'll now only give out pieces after the receiver has sworn that they're going to chew it 10 minutes regardless of the taste (that way they'll get most of the effect). Otherwise, it'd be a complete waste.

At 51 years old. I have suffered for years with Sleep Apnea and "Excessive Daytime Sleepiness" I know it sounds like I made that up. When I was diagnosed with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness I told the doctor he made it up. Google it.

I take medication to counteract the Excessive Daytime Sleepiness but sometimes it just does not work. I will fall asleep in meetings or even while talking to someone in my office or on the phone. This gum has changed my life. When I notice the first signs of sleepiness I chew one piece and within a few minutes I am wide awake.

I saw a report on 60 minutes, I told you I was old, about how 5 Hour Energy says it has the caffeine of one cup of premium coffee. Well it does, along with the caffeine of other cups of coffee. And all the other stuff 5 Hour Energy has in it that it says help you stay awake do not do much at all. It is all the caffeine. Here is the link to the story.

The story says that all the energy in 5 Hour Energy comes from the caffeine. Vitamins and supplements do not give you energy. Well I felt like an idiot, I have been buying 5 hour energy from Amazon for a while and I must admit, even with the discount from buying in large volume the cost was still high, and it was not a perfect solution. I would sometimes have to take more than one in a 5 hour period.

Well after seeing the 60 minutes story I used Google and found several studies performed for the Military that stated that the absorption of caffeine via the mouth is much faster than through the stomach or intestines. Makes sense to me, that is why cocaine users snort or dip the stuff instead of eating it. Anyway, long story short, I bought this product and it has saved my job and my life. Now if i feel tired I just pop one in my mouth and within minutes I am wide awake. The packaging is not going to win any awards for marketing but it does as advertised. I see a lot of competing products available in stores, Jolt! for instance, but I never even tried it. This one works and it is used by the military. Check out and you will see links to all the studies, the story about how long it took to develop, and the order instructions for quartermasters.

I was intrigued enough to try it from the web site but after using it I can tell you this stuff is the real deal. The other big plus is the cost. 5 pieces per pack, 24 packs per box, $28 per box = just under a quarter ($0.25) per piece. That is a lot easier on the pocket than $2.00 per bottle for 5 hour energy. I can carry a packet in my pocket, keep a pack at my desk, one in my lunch box, one in my car, where ever I might need a piece. Much more convenient than when I was using 5 hour energy.

Finally, I have only tried the Arctic Mint flavor and it is not too bad. I do not notice the bad caffeine taste so many other reviewers are talking about but that is just me. In the end, regardless of the taste, it works when I need it to and it is easy to carry. By this point, if you are not convinced then you never will be.

'Nuff said!

**UPDATE** Amazon will not allow me to enter the links to the CBS 60 Minutes story on 5-Hour Energy or the link to the official Stay Alert Gum web site but just Google "60 Minutes 5 hour energy" and/or "Stay Awake Gum" and in each case the web sites one of the top links. **UPDATE**


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