Cool-or-Heat Sleep Pad - Cool or Heat Sleep Pad - COOL-OR-HEATCOOL-OR-HEAT

Cool-or-Heat Sleep Pad - Cool or Heat Sleep Pad - COOL-OR-HEATCOOL-OR-HEATMarketing for this product fails to mention that the coils are large and they protrude. This makes it impossible to get a good night's sleep. Also, the temperatures advertised cannot be attained. Don't do it!!! There are good companies out there.

I bought this unit over the Chilipad because the price was better. Well I don't feel it works well. The company fails to mention that the cooling part is all relative to the ambient temperature of the room. I have never been able to get it to cool to 50 degrees even in the dead of winter. Never have tried the warm part as I bought it for cooling. The coldest I have been able to get it is 65-67 degrees. I have even tried to put a fan close to unit to cool room air down further. I don't mind the coils and really wouldn't mind them if they really cooled the bed. It comes with a soft cover to shield you from the coils but that impacts the coolness. Also I find that because of body warmth, that also affects the temperature. Your body warms the coils so I have never felt it to be cool enough. Had to send 1st unit back for lack of cooling and when I lifted it from it's spot on floor, I noticed at leak of the fluid. Next unit seemed like it would cool better but less than 6 months later and mid summer, I find it extremely disappointing. I called company who is tried of hearing from me for help.. They really have no solution. They suggest opening the reservoir and lifting unit above pad and lowering unit in case it developed air bubbles but still doesn't cool as promised. Plus... I had to pay to return unit to company even though under the year's warranty. Need a better product. Guess I should have chosen Chilipad.

Buy Cool-or-Heat Sleep Pad - Cool or Heat Sleep Pad - COOL-OR-HEATCOOL-OR-HEAT Now

I didn't find the coils to be uncomfortable, but it only worked a few months before the thermostat broke. Once I got one that functioned well, I really appreciate the ability to cool my Serta iComfort memory foam bed. The five degree temp fluctuation on the pad is frustrating, but worth it.

Read Best Reviews of Cool-or-Heat Sleep Pad - Cool or Heat Sleep Pad - COOL-OR-HEATCOOL-OR-HEAT Here


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