Tried Lunesta for a few months but the side effects were not fun. I had some intense dreams and ocassional nightmares. Again, quality of sleep was still something I was searching for that these two drugs weren't providing.
My coworker recommended that I try some natural alternatives that were effective for her. Originally started with just melatonin, which worked well, but I would wake up feeling groggy. I think the dosage was just too strong. Most of them vary between 3-10 mg, but even at 3mg, I was not waking up in the best mood. More is not better in this case.
After a bit of searching, I finally found a natural sleep aid with a better mix of ingredients. Not only was melatonin 1mg (which I feel is the perfect amount), the capsules are also grouped with a few other well known relaxants. I spent quite a bit of time researching into these, and this is what I found:
Melatonin natural chemical produced in our brains that helps signal to sleep.
Valerian plant extract used mainly in Asia for insomnia related issues.
Chamomile another herbal extract from flowers that relaxes the central nervous system.
Passion Flower herb maily used for anxiety and over anxious minds.
Lemon Balm another herb used in Europe to combat stress.
Ashwagandha herb of India known to again fight stress and anxiety.
Hops mild sedative and calming properties.
GABA an amino acid to regulate sleep quality and improve your mood.
L-Theanine another amino acid shown to reduce mental and physical stress.
5-HTP simliar to Tryptophan (post-Thanksgiving turkey type sleep).
I don't know of another sleep aid as well rounded as this one. One of these ingredients are bound to work for you.
In most situations when I need to get sleep, one pill about an hour before bed is all I need to fall asleep fast. Occasionally I will open up a capsule and make hot tea out of it that I can sip on. I'm not sure if it reduces the effectiveness, but it's been good so far.
In addition to this sleep aid, I want to mention there were few environment changes I also made to improve my sleep quality:
1) No caffeine or alcoholic drinks a couple hours before bed. Night caps can cause you to wake up in the middle of the night.
2) No TV, cell phone, or other electronics before bed. I actually took all these items out of my room so I can completely relax.
3) Read any books that do not require a lot of thinking.
4) Room is completely dark with just a fan running to block out other noises. Fan also helps to keep the room at a good temperature.
5) Warm shower before bed to help me relax.
Happy sleeping!By nature I am an 'owl' and I tend to work late in the evenings. Unfortunately, these late-night work sessions have been affecting my sleep to the extent that the last few years I have been having difficulty falling asleep. It also affected my quality of sleep so that I would always feel blah in the morning. And if I wake up in the middle of the night, forget about falling back asleep, not happening. I tried some sleeping pills OTC meds just make me feel groggy; the prescription ones are not that much better.
I've been going through different sleep aids with these goals in mind:
1. I need to be able to fall asleep faster.
2. It has to be a natural sleep aid after a few runs with prescriptions, I am pretty wary of the side effects.
3. To improve my quality of sleep no waking up throughout.
4. Little to no grogginess in the morning.
This is what I've tied so far 'Happy Dreams' Sleep Formula, 'Sleep Right', Nighttime Sleep Aid, Chinese Herbs for Better Sleep, different mixtures of melatonin and a few more I don't recall off the top of my head. I even own an expensive Zeo Personal Sleep Coach. It does what it's suppose to do, I guess, but that was less than helpful for my purposes.
One thing I found that worked like a charm was phenebut but you have to cycle it you can take it only 4 days out of the week and then wait for 3 days otherwise it loses effectiveness.
This is my report on Insomnia Natural SLEEP Aid up to date:
I started feeling the effects in about 35 to 40 minutes after I took it on an empty stomach. It didn't make me drowsy. Instead, I noticed a little slowdown, it was like my thoughts were calming down slightly. I switched off the light and it took me perhaps 10 to 15 minutes to drift off. I managed to sleep through the night without waking up. Got almost 8 hours of sleep out of one pill. Next few nights were similar. I average at about 7.5 hours of sleep a night right now.
Looks like it's not about the quantity of ingredients, it's about the mixing up the right components for optimal result. I checked the supplement facts and among the usual suspects like valerian, gaba, chamomile extract and melatonine I've noticed a few new ones (at least to me), such as Hops extract and Ashwagandha. Perhaps this accounts for better results.
So, here's hoping that the good result would last. Maybe I'll cycle this with phenebut to make sure I don't get used to this particular mixture. If anything changes, I'll post an update.
One last thought to share with my fellow insomniac friends in this thread: Sleeping better is something that many people desperately need but we also need a more holistic approach to our problem, and don't just rely on prescriptions. Other reviewers already emphasized helpful environmental changes you can make to help you sleep better. In addition to a good, natural sleep aid, I would also advise practicing some sort of relaxation technique on a daily basis. Meditation, progressive relaxation or Autogenic training. All of these are easy to learn and take only a few minutes a day to practice. If you know how to relax your body and calm your mind the quality of your sleep will improve even more.If you suffer from insomnia and don't want to take medicine, you have to try Insomnia Natural Sleep Aid!
I've suffered from on and off again insomnia for 12 years. I've tried various over the counter medications, but never liked the way they made me feel the next day. They would make me feel foggy and not clear-headed. Of course, I didn't like the way I felt when I didn't get enough sleep the night before either. It felt like a lose-lose battle.
I decided to give this supplement a try and figured what could it hurt? I got the best sleep I've had in a long, long time! It was so nice knowing that I wasn't taking a medication and that I was getting natural ingredients. But I didn't expect it to help me so much. I was clear-headed the next day and very well-rested. What an improvement!When you talk about sleep aids you've got to talk about the Insomina 100% Natural SLEEP Aid Supplement by Insomnia. I occasionally have trouble sleeping and had tried a lot of different remedies and household advice to little avail. A buddy of mine told me to check out this sleep aid on Amazon and I'm glad I did... I took two pills (recommended dosage?) and was out in 15 minutes, woke up 9 hours later and was shocked that I got through the night completely uninterrupted. Not mad at this little gem at all!Want to sleep better? This product may do it for you.
I've been struggling with sleep issues my whole life, since grade school. I was never able to wake up and make it on time to class in the morning. As I got older, it didn't get any better. I tried a few of the other sleep aids in the store with varying success. A few of them would help me sleep faster, but I would be waking up with a slight headache, as if I was drinking the night before.
This sleep aid actually has been able to help me not only fall asleep faster, but get up on time feeling good. 1 pill is all I need to be knocked out. At under $20, this is a steal IMO. With some of the previous sleep aids I took, especially just Melatonin, I was taking 3-4 a night. Alteril and the one made by Nature Made was also a hit or miss. 1-2 before I slept, and another one in the middle of the night if I woke up.
Ambien was going to be my last resort, but I'm glad I found this first.
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