Isotonix® Calcium Plus - Single Bottle (45 Servings/Bottle), 10.5oz

Isotonix® Calcium Plus - Single Bottle, 10.5ozIsotonix calcium is the most well abosrbed and palatable product I've found. I tend to get cramps in my legs at night and if I get up and take a serving of this product, the cramps go. Better still, if I take the calium before I go to bed, I don't get the cramps as much.

For those of us who need extra calcium in our diets (women over 40), and for those who do not enjoy taking pills (at all), this is a great way to supplement your calcium intake. It is easy to take, you dilute it in a small amount of water, the top has the measurements, it has a pleasant orangy flavor, and it supplies most of my calcium needs. I have been taking Isotonix Calcium Plus for six years. I recommend it.

Buy Isotonix® Calcium Plus - Single Bottle (45 Servings/Bottle), 10.5oz Now

My endocrinologist told me 2 start taking calcium b/c of my bone loss after menopause. I told him that I couldn't take calcium b/c it caused kidney stones. Then, I went to my monthly spa treatment and I told Darlene, my spa lady, my problem. She suggested this powdered form of calcium b/c it would absorb quickly b/c U mix the powder in water first thing in the morning b4 U eat anything. It has an orangy taste and isn't bad 2 drink in water. The dentist thought that two of my teeth were needing root canals; however, it was just that those two teeth were being severly depleted of calcium. My teeth have recovered and I no longer need a root canal, or any dental treatment. This is a miracle that I prayed 2 the Lord 2 resolve, & he did it through this supplement!!! Also, I haven't had any kidney stones while using this (3 months now)! Try it--You'll like it!!!

Read Best Reviews of Isotonix® Calcium Plus - Single Bottle (45 Servings/Bottle), 10.5oz Here

Goes in your system quick and has significant amount of potassium which is so GREAT together with calsium amd magnesium. All three are vital for muscles. It can stop cramping almost INSTANTLY! Must for athletes or aging folks that find muscles are always tight! I know!!! :-)

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I was having leg aches and pains and trouble sleeping during my last pregnancy. My midwife recommend this and i started taking it and it really helped! I had no more pain and started sleeping SO much better. I would highly recommend this for any pregnant women!

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