Rest Easy Kills & Repels Bed Bugs Tripper Spray

Rest Easy Kills & Repels Bed Bugs Tripper SprayUnlike the user below I thought this product worked well. I was able to rid myself of bed bugs (I caught it in early stages), but don't get me wrong, you have to do more than depend on one spray.

It's not going to work instantly, like steam, but it does kill the bugs without poisoning you (unless you're allergic to any of the ingredients like cinnamon). The oils attach itself to the body of bed bugs and dissolves the shell.

The smell will stick around like with most bug sprays, I suggest ventilation. I also suggest reading how to use it properly so you don't end up with staining your bedding or fabrics or using too much of the product.

The best part of this product is that is doesn't use pesticides and it is effective (the user before should have read a little bit more about how it kills the bug before assuming it works like Raid on a roach).

I also suggest for the sufferers out there to also use steam in cracks and food grade diatomaceous earth and to do research how to best apply each measure so you don't waste the little energy you have after probably not getting a full nights sleep.

Good luck!

it smells like big red, and the smell will fill your house for a day or two, but i have not found a single bug while using this product. i swear by it.

Buy Rest Easy Kills & Repels Bed Bugs Tripper Spray Now

I bought Rest Easy because my husband and I travel often and I wanted a natural/organic, animal-friendly product. We stay in nice hotels, but bed bug outbreaks occur in even the most exclusive hotels. When traveling overseas especially, you just don't know what the condition of your room will be like. We have never had a problem since using Rest Easy. The smell is fantastic! I even spray my luggage before leaving to repel "hitchhikers."

Rest Easy's use is not limited to the hotel room: I spray a border around doorways and it effectively keeps bugs out of the house--while freshening the room at the same time (I don't use chemical-laden air fresheners either). Overall a great product, one that I just won't travel without.

FYI, Rest Easy also makes a flea & tick spray that I use before walking my cats outside. It works, smells great and contains no harmful ingredients. Try this instead of a chemical-soaked flea collar.

Read Best Reviews of Rest Easy Kills & Repels Bed Bugs Tripper Spray Here

this is eco friendly and worked well. killed off the bugs. has a strong cinnamon smell. recommend this for infestations already present.

Want Rest Easy Kills & Repels Bed Bugs Tripper Spray Discount?

I've been fighting bed bugs for 3 or 4 months. Very little works that you can feel OK about spraying on the edges of your mattress and on the bottom side of our pillows. If the stuff comes in contact with sensitve areas of your skin, it can burn like the dickens. You gotta like cinnamon candy, because this stuff will fill a room with the smell. This is my 3rd bottle and I'm buying the gallon size, because i am findinf fewer bed bugs and fewer bites. I'm trying different things, so I cant guarantee it's working, but I sure enough to buy a 60 buck gallon bottle.

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