Snorestop Extinguisher, 0.4 Oz -Plastic Case

Snorestop Extinguisher, 0.4 Oz -Plastic CaseThis product is amazing! My husband and I had been sleeping in separate rooms for months. We decided to try SnoreStop out of desperation. It works so great! He hardly snores at all now. As soon as he doesn't use it for a few days it just starts up again.So I make sure and remind him every night. It has to be the last thing you do before bed and you can't eat or drink after you use it. It took about a week before we noticed it working so don't get skeptical if it doesn't work the first night you use it. Also,you have to use it regularly every night for it to continue to work. I am a firm believer in this product!

I tried this product out of desperation. It worked! I started sleeping more soundly immediately. I didn't realize that my snoring was affecting my rest. I have allergies, so my snoring is probably a result of congestion and post nasal drip as well as getting older. One drawback--I noticed during the second week that my food had lost its flavor and I believe it is because of this product. Perhaps I should have been more careful to spray only in the back of my throat. I did move it around my mouth and taste it each time I sprayed, which probably was not a good idea. It has a vanilla-like taste, which disappears in seconds. I am waiting for my tastebuds to come back to life before I try it again. I haven't used it for 2 nights and they haven't recovered yet. I'll be more careful next time. I hate to give it up because it stopped the snoring and I was sleeping so much better--and so was my husband. I am happy it worked so well, but disappointed that my sense of taste has been affected. I'm willing to try it again.

Buy Snorestop Extinguisher, 0.4 Oz -Plastic Case Now

This product really works and I would advise anyone to try it. I think everyone is different and you have to do the trial and error system with all the over-the-counter stuff. This works great for me. I noticed im not flipping as much and waking up more refreshed and my partner of 3 years is enjoying his sleep much better as well

Read Best Reviews of Snorestop Extinguisher, 0.4 Oz -Plastic Case Here

This is a strange product. It seems to work for half the people that try it, and do nothing at all for the other half. I am lucky I guess, because it seems to work for me. I've been taking it for almost a week now, and my girlfriend noticed immediately that my horrible all night snoring has been reduced to... a snore. Just one. But how? Apparently no one on the internet knows (try googling it, there are no answers)! Furthermore, the ingredients belladonna (a.k.a. Deadly Nightshade) and ephedra (ancient chinese medicine with possible links to heart conditions) are concerningboth are not something you want to take in large doses. Regardless, this product will either work its wizardry on you or make you think you've been had. It's a coin toss. But for its price, it's probably worth a try. My only real problem with it is that I seem to randomly in the night choke on my own saliva about an hour or two after using the spray, leading into a small coughing fit (I don't think this happens to most people though). This has never happened to me before, and it's rather alarming, especially since its happened a couple nights in a row now.

Ultimately though, the scariest thing is that I have no idea how it works. I have no idea what else it's doing to the rest of my bodymy heart and my respiratory systems specifically. But somehow, it works.

Want Snorestop Extinguisher, 0.4 Oz -Plastic Case Discount?

I bought a spray bottle and the first time i used it i did not snore that night. The product truely does work ! now i get a better sleep and so does my wife.

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