Similasan Similasan Sleeplessness Relief Globules

Similasan Sleeplessness Relief -- 0.529 fl ozThis product is wonderful. I have a 3 year old who is not a great sleeper and I, myself am not a great sleeper either. I don't usually have any trouble falling asleep but once I am awakened (up to 3 times a night by my son), I have great difficulty falling back to sleep not to mention that my husband's alarm clock wakes me up at 4:00 a.m. Needless to say I wasn't getting much sleep. I saw this product at my local Rite Aid and figured I would give it a shot since it's all natural. Wow! What a difference this little product makes. Not only does it help you fall asleep but it helps you fall asleep quickly which is very important to me. It also does not make you drowsy like some products do if you don't get a certain amount of sleep. I have taken these when my husband wakes me up at 4:00 a.m and I am able to fall back asleep and then get up at my normal 5:30 and not feel groggy. I can't say enough good things about this product.

I bought this product for my 8 yr old, who has a lot of trouble falling asleep at night. She loves the taste, and although it hasn't really helped her all that much, it did help my 13 yr old, who had had 3 nights of insomnia in a row when the product arrived, but got back on track immediately that night.

Buy Similasan Similasan Sleeplessness Relief Globules Now

Nearly every night I wake up and have to go to the bathroom. Generally I go back to bed and right back to sleep, but on occasion I lay there and start thinking about things. Then the harder I try to sleep it seems the waker I get. So when this happens and after 45 minutes has passed (my own little time frame) I get back up shake out about 10 of these tiny pills onto my palm. I never actually count them because this isn't a math test I just want to go back to sleep. I pop them in my mouth, let them dissolve and go back to bed. Then before I know it the alarm is going off and all is good.

These Similasen pills (we have only ever used this brand) leave absolutely no side effects and work great for both my wife and I. I have never taken them to initially go to sleep, only after I have already been to sleep and then wake up. I don't know what's in them, maybe just some psychology, but they do the job!

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