Boiron - Arnica Montana 30c, 30c, 80 pellets

Boiron - Arnica Montana 30c, 30c, 80 pelletsI understand where the first commentater with the 1-star rating may be coming from. However, the user must understand how this Homeopathic medicine works. Arnica Montana does exactly what it says, only not like Allopathic drugs. Used in conjunction with the Arnica Gel when an injury has occured bruising, swelling and pain is essentially minimalized or stopped. The pellets work internally, and are gentle, the gel works topically with no odor or stickiness.

This combination is what i use for myself and my childrentwin boys under 2yrs old, who are constantly getting bumps and falls. Just over the weekend, my son ran out a slider door onto a concrete patio , landed flat on his forhead. We immediately used Arnica Gel and pellets on the heavily dented area on his forhead that was starting to swell, and continued that every hour or so for the next day as needed, and my son had virtually no swelling and no bruising.

I personally use the pellets if my muscles are sore, I describe their effectiveness by : after taking them, i go about my day, and notice later on that i haven't had a complaining thought about the pain i was feeling before...i do find i take more doses than i would an nsaid, but it works.

This is what I shared with the poster who was not happy with the Arnica:

There are many homeopathic remedies for what you had that might have helped you. The ones like Rhus Tox 30C, Mag. Phos 30C, Calc. Carb. 30C , Hypericum 30C or Ruta Grav 30C are just a few that might have helped you.

But by your commnets you do not understand how Homeopathic medicine works. It is used to Re-Balance your body. So to take it without giving more effort and time to take it it won't work. It is not like an aspirin but it will work if you picked the right one for your condition. My feeling is you probably needed Hypericum 30C or Mag. Phos. 30 C

Taking the 3 tiny pills called Pellets (they are Very Concentrated) in a 9 oz bottle of water is much more potent and Quicker also. You can add up to 5 pills in each bottle for much pain. You just drink the water between meals on an empty stomach. And you can drink up to three bottles Initially per day if your pain is severe and intense. Just Shake the Bottles Vigorously Before you drink a bottle. Drink each bottle in three parts with 20 min. break between each part.

Generally, Homeopathy is for long-term problems such as if you have always had the problems you described. For that you needed to take the Arnica along with Ignatia 30 C. Together. I hope this explanation will help you understand why it did not work for you. Done this way it will work.

I was healed of Fibromyalgia myself years ago and that is how I became interested in studying this Wonderful Homeopathic medicine. I have not taken any aspirin for years using this method with the remedies.

* If you have Fibromyalgia you can take TWO Ignatia Amara 30C Pills + FOUR Arnica 30C Pills in the 9 oz bottle of water. Shake it vigorously then drink it. You can take up to three bottle per day if it is very severe and intense. Drink each bottle in three parts with 20 min. break between each part.

After a few days to a week you will be able to sleep and you will be amazed at how your pain is gone. Every once in a while stop drinking the water and see if you can go without pain. If you get your pain back that means your body still has not yet re-balanced. Drink this formula until you no longer get pain. Mine took several months of drinking this daily. But I was Still happy because the Doctors had said I would Never be healed of Fibromyalgia.

* (Queen Elizabeth of England also has Homeopathic medicine for her health as did her mum. And her mum lived to be over 100 years young!) Good luck and God Bless!

Buy Boiron - Arnica Montana 30c, 30c, 80 pellets Now

Though I have only just begun using this product, I do not understand the comment from the user posting only one star. First, I was delightfully surprised by the sweet taste of the pellets. As someone who is quite fussy about taste and smell, I found no after taste at all. Second, I suffer from both fibromyalgia and migraines. While I have not yet signed up for dancing and music lessons, and thus would shy from calling the product a miracle, I have found a certain amount of relief since taking this product. (Standard off-the-shelf products like Tylenol and Advil have no effect; prescribed drugs have had no hugely positive effect either.) As a result of reading other reviews here and elsewhere, I intend to try the cream and see how that works in combination with the pellets.

Read Best Reviews of Boiron - Arnica Montana 30c, 30c, 80 pellets Here

This homeopathic medicine has helped me with my neck pain and I highly recommend it! The pellets are best absorbed by taking 5 of them sublingually (under the tongue) and letting them dissolve slowly. I've tried another brand.........and this one is very much superior! I also use it successfully for menstrual cramps, headaches, and sore muscles.

I use this product in addition to my RX nsaids for my neckpain. A friend of mine has used this successfully for chronic migraine headaches that were extremely debilitating. My's worth a try!

Want Boiron - Arnica Montana 30c, 30c, 80 pellets Discount?

I used this before surgery and after it helped me so much I don't how I would have felt without it. The pain of breast surgery was very limited. This was a recommendation of my Doctor I think all doctors should recommend this product before surgery and after surgery. All natural product plus the Arnica Gell goes hand in hand GREAT PRODUCTS.

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