MidNite Natural Sleep Supplement, 30-Count Box (Pack of 2)

MidNite Natural Sleep Supplement, 30-Count Boxthis product worked really well. I needed to get to sleep to wake up for an 8 am class..and thats almost impossible in a college dorm. I couldnt fall asleep for like 2 hours and it was already 1:30. I had previously bought these thinking i might use them sometime if needed and so i took one. I felt drowsy really soon and fell asleep definately within 25-30 minutes. I woke up before my alarm even went off and didnt feel sleepy the entire day. It worked great!

I had taken MidNite for years, only on an occasional basis, always getting a good, long and deep night's sleep. About a month ago, I started taking the herbal supplement regularly on a nightly basis. Again, I was getting wonderful, beneficial sleep. I was even able to cut the dosage of my usual prescribed sleep aid medication by half.

However, after about a week of continued use, I started to have swelling of my left foot and ankle. I had flown back east and attributed this to the heat, humidity and flying. Once I returned home, the swelling continued to the point where the condition would not go away, became very uncomfortable, for in addition to the swelling, my foot and ankle were very hot. I used ice packs and elevated my leg, but the relief was only very brief, with the edema returning.

Then 5 days ago, my right foot and leg, as well as my hands and arms began to show signs of swelling. At that point, I tried to look back at the previous month and determine if I had done anything different from before that time. At that point it occurred to me that nightly intake of Midnite might be the culprit. In researching online some of the symptoms of the ingredients, I saw that a possible side effect of melatonin was impaired blood flow. At that point, I quit taking the supplements. Now, four days later, my arms, hands, right let and ankle have returned to normal. The swelling in my left foot and ankle has greatly subsided, but at the rate it is going, I anticipate several more days for my left left and foot to be back to normal.

In doing the online research, I also learned that melatonin can interfere with prescription drugs. I take a diuretic for high blood pressure. Perhaps the melatonin was canceling the benefit of my diuretic and causing restricted blood flow; hence, the edema.

I would recommend that anyyone taking MidNite do their own research or talk to their physician regarding any possible drug interactions with MidNite.

Buy MidNite Natural Sleep Supplement, 30-Count Box (Pack of 2) Now

Great product!! First good night's sleep I've had in a long time. The best part is that I wake up totally energized and refreshed.

Read Best Reviews of MidNite Natural Sleep Supplement, 30-Count Box (Pack of 2) Here

I haven't slept through the night since I entered puberty, so I have quite an arsenal of sleep aid products in my medicine cabinet, including the Benadryl-based ones and plain, old Melatonin. I try not to take any of them every single night, because I know that if I do they'll lose effectiveness. In addition, melatonin over time will supplant the body's natural ability to produce serotonin, so it should definitely not be taken every single night. Benadryl products should also not be taken every night, because they are an antihistamine and vasoconstrictor, and, well, you just shouldn't do that to your body constantly!

Midnite contains melatonin, which is the real active ingredient. It also contains Chamomile, which helps normal people sleep, but I am not normal, so Chamomile does nothing for me except maybe smell nice in its natural state. Midnite also contains Lavender, the fragrance of which is emotionally calming and which I also use to help me sleep, but I had never heard before that it's also supposed to be soporific when ingested I suspect it isn't really, but what the heck, it's harmless and frequently used in candy and pastries as food flavoring.

What I like about it is that it is 1) chewable, so I can keep it beside the bed, which is great (it also tastes pretty good,) and also that it is 2) low enough in dosage that I can take it later in the night when I wake up and not have to worry that I won't be able to get up and function by the time morning rolls around. The other products I use must be taken early enough that they'll wear off by the time the alarm goes off, or I'll be a complete zombie.

The things I don't like about it are: 1) the tablets crumble when I push them through the foil backing on the package, so it's really best to open the little bubbles with nail scissors (not exactly convenient for bedside use!) and 2) I really do still wake up feeling groggy after taking it, and not especially "refreshed" because the sad truth is, there is NO SUCH THING as artificially induced sleep that is as good as real, natural sleep. And there never will be, no matter what medical science keeps trying to promise us.

Want MidNite Natural Sleep Supplement, 30-Count Box (Pack of 2) Discount?

This product does just as claimed, and I recommend it highly. It encourages me to fall asleep promptly, and even if taken at 3AM, I can function in the morning without drowsiness. The chewable formulation is a fantastic idea. Dependable, natural rest is a great comfort.

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