Gro-Egg Color Changing Digital Room Thermometer, White

Gro-Egg Color Changing Digital Room Thermometer, WhiteThis is a nice idea my wife and I really liked the concept and the styling of the Gro-Egg for our newborn's nursery. The problem is that the egg does not really work as intended. I have found the temperature displayed is consistenly wrong, usually 3 or 4 degress high. Just yesterday I saw the temp the jumping back and forth once per second between 73 and 77 degrees. An independent check of the room temp with another thermometer showed the room was 71 degrees. Since monitoring temperature is really the whole point, and this does not do it accurately or reliably, it is really not worth taking a chance on. We tossed the package but will attempt to return anyway.

My daughter bought this for our grandchild, though she has stopped paying attention to it. As other reviews note, although this makes an attractive addition to a child's room and is visually appealing, it is not particularly accurate, though that is true of many room thermometers. You can confirm this by placing it next to the thermostat for your heating system and seeing that the temperatures differ by several degrees. This also does not respond quickly to changes in room temperature. As a practical matter this means that if the temperature on this unit reads 65 degrees, for example, the actual room temperature could be anywhere from 61 to 69 degrees. However, that may be sufficient for your purposes.

Keep in mind that regardless of what your heating thermostat registers, room temperatures can vary (e.g. one room is draftier than another, so the temperature is cooler in that room). Therefore you cannot test the accuracy of this unit by placing it in a different location from your heating thermostat. Likewise, even if it is warm in your living room, your child's room could be cooler.

There are more accurate room thermometers (see, for example the Chaney AcuRite, which is sold on Amazon and costs less than half of what this product costs), but they will not add to the decor of a child's room, can be difficult to read in the dark (like the Chaney AcuRite), and cannot be read from a distance with a quick glance like you can with this product.

Bottom line: This looks nice and will give you a "ball park" idea of the room temperature, which may be all that you need. For greater accuracy buy something else.

Buy Gro-Egg Color Changing Digital Room Thermometer, White Now

The gro-egg is a gorgeous product and I was very excited about having it tell the temperature. However, it was measuring the house at 77 degrees farenheit when I knew the house was closer to 70 (based on the thermostat and independent temperature measures). I read the manual and it says it has sensitive electronics that taking warming up. After troubleshooting, it still gave an inaccurate measure.

Basically, this functions as a red nightlight that just makes me worry. Waste of $30.

Read Best Reviews of Gro-Egg Color Changing Digital Room Thermometer, White Here

I loved the idea of this thing. Unfortunately I ended up returning three separate ones before getting a different thermometer. They are nowhere near accurate. The first one read 71 degrees in a room that was 85 degrees. The second said 79 no matter what temperature the room actually was. The third also displayed a temperature in the 70s even when in a very cold/very hot room. This thing is a scam.

Want Gro-Egg Color Changing Digital Room Thermometer, White Discount?

This is a cool thermometer, looks good, novel ideal. However, I found it was not very sensitive to temp. changes in the room. It depends on where you place the egg. It doesn't always reflect the true room temperature.


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